The Bad: While it's a major plus that the movie is unpredictable and keeps you guessing, it may come off as a little frustrating to some that you'll probably be left with more questions than answers at the movie's end. This could be due to a possible setup for a future sequel. Lastly while this may just be my own personal opinion, it was kind of hard for me to take Will Poulter seriously after seeing him in We're the Millers. No matter how tough he tries to act, he'll always be the kid that knows all the words to TLC's "Waterfalls".
The Reason: I must admit that I walked into this movie with extremely low expectations. I thought this was going to be yet another "teen movie" like the Divergent Series or The Twilight Saga. But, luckily there aren't any boring love scenes, or predictable storylines. You do still have the "teen movie" stereotypes like "The cool guy", "The mean bully", and a bunch of random cliques. Either way, if you're a skeptic of these types of movies, this one may just be the exception to change your mind. I'll recommend it for matinee viewing and/or rental material.
The Rating: 8/10

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