The Good: The acting by Ben Affleck was good, however his co-star Rosamund Pike (his wife in the movie) may have passed him up in the acting department. She may even be in consideration for some awards if I had to make a guess. Tyler Perry was a nice addition too. Unfortunately I can't speak too much about the characters because the entire film is a mystery. While you watch, prepare to be taken on an emotional roller coaster where you may find yourself saying the following: "What the hell?", "Oh my God, did he....?", "I can't believe ....", "I cannot stand that...", "well I didn't see that coming." The many plot twists will make this movie incredibly difficult to predict but will keep you engaged, and intrigued, all the way to the very end. (Unless you read the novel, but then you're just cheating. Lol)
The Bad: The movie is a very slowly paced film. So the fact that it's 2.5 hours long will really make you feel like you slightly aged after seeing it. Beyond the length and slow pace, the movie's multiple plot twists and curious ending MAY leave some people a little dissatisfied. (Even though I don't share that sentiment)
The Reason: I have not read the Gone Girl novel, but my guess is that this movie did it justice. If you were like me, and didn't want to give this movie a chance because of the trailer, then I ask that you reconsider. The trailer doesn't give a lot away, and it will surpass whatever you thought this movie was really about. I think that because this movie is kind of slow and long, it may be a better movie to watch in the comfort of your own home. But do not be mistaken, this is a really good quality movie to watch. Especially if you want something with a little more substance than the many comic-book action movies that have plagued the summer months. If you do plan on seeing it, see it as a matinee, use the restroom beforehand, and get plenty of popcorn. It'll be worth the watch.
The Rating: 8.0/10