Hate movie spoilers? Good! You'll get straight to the point, quick, and spoiler-free movie reviews to help you spend your time and money wisely on movies. I'll give you the Good, the Bad, the Reason, and the Rating about each movie. ***Please disable any popup blockers***
The Good: Will Smith delivers a very good performance. He may even have you believing that he's really South African with the way he nails the accent. The only competition Will had was probably the story of the film itself. If you're not an big football fan then a lot of the information presented in this film will probably be new to you. It's definitely interesting to see this controversial depiction of the issue of concussions in football. Also there's a good supporting cast surrounding Smith. While Alec Baldwin does a nice job, Albert Brooks' dry humor is perfectly timed and a welcome addition to the film.
The Bad:
There's nothing really that bad about this film. It is slowly paced, and it's probably not the best movie to watch late at night. The Reason:
Overall, Concussion was a good movie. The main goal of this film is to spread awareness of the danger of concussions in football. Forgive me for not jumping on the "This was Will Smith's best performance" bandwagon. I think that Smith did a great job, but he didn't do anything that was beyond normal expectations for him. His performance in Pursuit of Happiness was better, in my opinion. As for seeing Concussion in the theaters, I don't think that's a must. It's perfectly fine to be seen as a matinee or just wait to watch it at home.
The Rating: 7/10
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Director J. J. Abrams was able to bring to life the
visual aspects of the movie that simply wasn’t possible in the late 70s or 80s.
Everything about the film brought about
a sense of nostalgia from the original films. The cast especially was a delight to watch on screen.
Harrison Ford remained the iconic “Han Solo” that we’ve all come to know, and his
performance will probably meet expectations. John Boyega (“Finn”)
and Daisy Ridley (“Rey”) both possessed great onscreen chemistry, and will do
well in being the new lead characters. I
also appreciated Adam Driver bringing to life a more complex and layered
villain in the character of "Kylo-Ren". His use of the force was simply amazing! It may be safe to say that the little
droid, BB-8, almost stole the show.
Overall, the actions scenes were visually great. The 3D aspect really
made many of the battle scenes that much better in my opinion. The plot was also effective
in continuing the ongoing saga of good vs evil. It was refreshing to see a nice
blend of bits of humor, suspenseful action, and even some sentimental/emotional
The Bad:
You can take this with a HUGE grain of
salt (and maybe this is because I re-watched the original trilogy two days before
watching Force Awakens) but this movie came off as very predictable. There was
rarely a moment, or scene, or a revel that you didn’t have some sense was going
to happen. The film borrowed a lot of themes from the previous movies, so in a
sense, it almost feels like history
repeating itself.
Beyond that one of the characters, whom I will not name, came off
a little unbelievable. Certain things happened with this character that simply
felt rushed and underdeveloped. You'll know it when you see it.
Another issue is that while this film does a great job of paying
homage to the older Star Wars films, I think that it may have spent a little
too much time being nostalgic. I’m afraid that a newcomer to the series will
simply miss out on maybe 60% of the references and fail to make a connection
with the characters. The connection to the characters is probably the biggest
source of success for this film.
The Reason:
J. J. Abrams just gets it. He
clearly knows how to remaster and remix an old franchise to successfully
transition a film into a more modern rendition. If you enjoyed how he remade
Star Trek, then it may be safe to say that he outdid himself this time around
with Star Wars.
The story is filled with funny, sad, and breath-taking moments
that make this a great movie watching experience. I’ll be the first to admit
that every movie doesn’t have to be seen in 3D. However, I highly recommend watching
this in 3D or even IMAX 3D. I think you’ll be robbed of the visual experience
if you see it any other way.
For those of you who were wondering if it’s necessary to re-watch the older movies, I’d probably say that re-watching them will give you a deeper appreciation for what the movie was trying to do. It’s bridging a generational gap while also creating a path into a new story for a new generation. If you’ve seen all of the Star Wars films, then just re-watching episodes 4-6 will be suffice if you haven’t seen them in the last 10 years. If you’re completely new to this, then it may be best to watch in the “Machete order” which is Episodes 4-5, 2-3, and then 6. Either way, I think you’ll have a great time watching this movie, and hopefully you don’t run into any spoilers on the internet. May the Force be with you! :)
The Rating: 9/10
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Director Spike Lee manages to find some creative ways to deliver important messages throughout the film. What's great about the messages is that they're far from being politically correct. Whether you agree with them or not, you can at the very least respect its sincerity given the gravity of the issues being discussed.
It was somewhat surreal to see that many of the people in the film were actual victims of the violence that plagues Chicago. We were shown former gang members who shared their experiences, and also some of the actual mothers that have lost their children to gun violence.
Across the board, there were some solid performances given. Angela Bassett portrayed a strong force and presence in her role as Miss. Helen. John Cusack excelled in his character as a fiery, activist, Chicago preacher. Jennifer Hudson captured a small portion of what it may look like to be a parent of a victim to gun violence. Teyonah Parris (who plays Lysistrata) does a nice job in leading the film as well.
The Bad:
Unfortunately for Chi-Raq, despite the many moments when this movie takes on a serious tone towards violence, the sex-related scenes will be a bit of a distraction for some viewers. I don't believe that it's the movie's fault. Rather, for whatever reason, some viewers expected Chi-Raq to be in the format of a serious documentary. (Which it obviously isn't) Given that assumption, some viewers may completely neglect the underlying message about violence. Which unfortunately undermines the intent of this film.
Another knock on this film will probably one of the final scenes between Nick Cannon and Teyonah Parris' characters. Their "confrontation" seemed a little prolonged, and probably could've been cut shorter by a minute or two. It just made that particular scene a tad bit awkward to watch in a dark room full of strangers. :-/
I suppose you can take this "Bad" how you wish; but anyone from Chicago knows that one of the biggest problems are the incidents that involve the youth killing their peers. The unimaginable horror of hearing about kids killing other kids is something that not even this film could tackle, and unfortunately isn't really addressed.
The Reason:
Let's begin with this...this is a Spike Lee film. If you're familiar with Lee's work, then you already know it's in a class of its own. So, given all of the controversy surrounding this movie, I'd like to take a moment to address some of the concerns by critics of the film...who have yet to even see the movie.
There apparently seemed to be a great deal of criticism for this movie before it was even viewed by the general public. Not only that, but people didn't take kindly to the first trailer that was released believing that this movie was somehow going to make light of the serious issue of gun violence in Chicago. Click Here to read what Spike Lee said in a recent interview about how this film DOES NOT do such a thing. You can also Click Here to view the 2nd trailer (that has a more serious tone).
Critic: ("Okay, I liked the 2nd trailer, but why couldn't Spike just release that one instead?")
Did you happen to see When the Levees Broke? You know that seriously toned Spike Lee documentary about the events of Hurricane Katrina? It won a 2006 Peabody Award. No? So what makes you think that the general public would run into theaters to watch a serious documentary about the deaths of inner city black children, gangs and gun violence?
Uninformed Critic: "I can't believe that Spike would make fun of or make light of the violence in Chicago!"
I'd like to remind everyone that Spike Lee is the same man who has brought us Malcolm X, Get on the Bus, and Do the Right Thing. The same man who has made the majority of his life's work centered on the plight of the African American struggle in America. Do we honestly believe, for one second, that out of nowhere he's going to simply start making fun of the deaths of innocent black children? Do we honestly believe that Jennifer Hudson, who tragically lost THREE family members to the same violence in Chicago, would really sign up to play a prominent role in this film? Father Michael Pfleger, a Catholic priest in Chicago of St. Sabina Church, with a predominantly black congregation, who has been incredibly instrumental in leading the charge against violence and injustice, has also supported this film. Do we really believe that Father Pfleger, would partner up with Spike Lee in the production of this film if it was making light of the situation?
Uninformed Critic
Uninformed Critic: "Chi-Raq is just an exploitation of the problem for profit."
Now if that's not enough to dispel some of the unwarranted and ignorant criticism (yes, "ignorant", because if you haven't seen it you're literally speaking on something you don't know) I'd like to actually break down some key points about this film before you decide to see it.
As you can tell from the trailer, this movie does have a decent amount of humor in it. That is because this movie is a satire. For those of you who may be unfamiliar, a satire is the use of humor, irony, ridicule or exaggeration to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices (especially in political matters). If you've ever watched and enjoyed shows like The Daily Show, Saturday Night Live, Family Guy, or even The Boondocks, then you've watched a satire. It is vitally important to understand before going in that this movie NEVER makes fun of the violence and deaths in Chicago. The only time you'll see most of the humor is when it's focused on the sex or sometimes portrayal of the gangs. The film does a really good job of separating the serious moments from the humorous moments.
As a parent of two daughters who have friends and family in Chicago, I found it almost impossible not to connect with this film on some level. I think that this movie will touch the hearts of any parent even if you have no ties to Chicago. Reason being is that Chi-Raq's message isn't even directed to only Chicago. The message in this film brings about a greater sense of awareness of the gun violence that's rapidly becoming a national problem.
In my opinion, Chi-Raq remains respectful to the situation in Chicago, and more importantly, brings about a greater sense of awareness to gun violence. If you're wondering why I gave it the rating I did below, it's for that very reason. It's not because this movie is the best of all time. I gave it the rating that I did because it is a movie that should be watched by all in the hopes that SOMETHING...ANYTHING can hopefully bring about some change in the problem of gun violence in general.
So, yes, I do encourage you all to watch and support this movie. And you know what, some of you will come back and may completely…and respectfully… disagree with my opinion. The beauty of it all, is that it’s okay. Because I don’t believe that this is the type of movie that needs to be liked or disliked. It’s a movie that’s supposed to get us talking about violence, and hopefully work together in finding a solution.
With that said, I'll leave you with this: Again, the goal of this movie is to bring about awareness about gun violence. If you choose not to support this movie, then my hope is that you're at least doing something to help stop the violence in a constructive and positive way. However, if you choose to ignore this movie, discourage others from seeing it, or just going out and bootlegging it, then in my opinion, you're equally a part of the problem. *Kanye Shrug*
The Rating: 10/10
Special thanks to Father Pfleger for giving me the opportunity to attend the world premiere so that I could review it.
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I don't even know where to begin. There's just so much good stuff to cover! Writer/Director Ryan Coogler(Fruitvale Station) merged both a brilliant script with some genius-level camera work all rolled into one. Coogler lays out a complex and genuine journey for an African American male who must deal with abandonment issues. In other words, this isn't just a story about a black guy who's angry all the time and wants to fight; it's deeper than that.
The overall plot is full of drama, bits of humor and great fight scenes. Speaking of which, the fight scenes were wonderfully choreographed. There are very few moments when they feel staged. (Unlike in Southpaw.) Not only does Coogler involve real life boxers in the film but there are a few scenes that show Jordan taking real punches! One other minor detail that is worth paying attention to is how there are very few cut scenes during some of the fights. The camera rarely cuts off which makes some of the scenes that much more enjoyable to watch.
As for the acting, it was a great clash of the new school meeting the old school. Michael B. Jordan (who plays Creed) represents the new school and delivers an impeccable performance. You'll be saying, "What horrible Fantastic Four movie?" after seeing this performance. He was able to deliver a wide range of aspects to his character such as being charismatic, angry, charming, sensitive, tough, witty, and more. Jordan ALMOST lost this acting battle with the old school champ, Sylvester Stallone(who plays Rocky Balboa). I may go out on a limb and say that Stallone may have put him self in the running for the"Best Male Supporting Actor" running. This was almost like an "acting tug of war" between the two. Regardless the on-screen chemistry between Jordan and Stallone works just fine.
The Bad:
The Reason:
As you could probably tell from "The Good" section, this movie was really really good. If you wanted an idea of what this movie was like, it's like Fruitvale Station + Rocky. (Big surprise right?) Matter of fact, this is kind of like the "Black Rocky". It's not a rip-off by any means, but it is very similar to the Rocky story except from a different, ethnic perspective. I certainly appreciated the character development of Jordan's Creed character because it didn't fall into the stereotypical, Hollywood, one-dimensional portrayal of a troubled African American youth.
This movie oozed authenticity whether it be the emotional hurdles Creed faces, the love interests, or the entire boxing element itself. The craziest thing about this movie, at least in my experience, is the effect it will have on the audience. While I was in the theater, during the fights, the audience literally cheered and boo'd as if they were watching a real fight. Any movie that can pull you in that much deserves a viewing in my opinion. So, by all means, go see this yesterday! Get your popcorn ready because this movie was a certified KO! (See what I did there? KO... Boxing movie... No?...Well I thought it was funny.)
The Rating: 9.5/10
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Bonus Videos:
I was extremely fortunate to attend the one screening in Chicago that just so happened to have the cast and crew of Creed make a special guest appearance. I was able to get some footage of a few questions from the Q&A after the movie. Please enjoy and share.
Of all the Bond films (in the Craig era) this is probably the one that has encompassed the most "Classic Bond" traits to date. From the very beginning, we're given a visually beautiful and artistic intro with Sam Smith singing Writing's On The Wall(Youtube). The film does an excellent job of giving you all the things that probably made you enjoy James Bond films. Daniel Craigcontinues to deliver the gritty while yet still smooth and debonair portrayal of James Bond. Christoph Waltzdoes a nice job of finally bringing back the sense of what an original Bond villain was all about. He was that evil villain with the mastermind plan to take over the world and was never short of putting Bond in death defying traps. Another great addition was the role of Mr. Hinx, played by Dave Bautista. One of the most memorable aspects of any Bond movie is the ridiculously powerful right-hand man to the main villain. Bautista excelled greatly in this role probably because he didn't have to do much talking (which worked out very well for his character). Besides the many great actors in this film, this was nothing short of being action-packed. There were plenty of gun fights, chase scenes, and explosions to keep you engaged. The Bad:
One of the biggest issues I had with this film was that the plot had two problems. The first problem was that it was entirely too predictable. There are very few shocking or revealing twists or outcomes that you won't be able to foresee coming. The second problem was that this plot was very familiar to that of Mission Impossible 5(my review). It literally seemed like the exact same story being retold. It may be a coincidence, or just really bad timing on the part of the movie studios.
Not sure how much of a bad this may be or not, but there were a lot of instances where things just were a little too convenient for Bond. I won't go into detail, but it's the normal stuff like having impeccable aim with a gun, or conveniently finding an escape route here or there. After a while you just give it an eye roll and move on.
Best way to sum up this movie is Casino Royale (Blu-ray) + Mission Impossible 5 (Blu-ray). I personally like this as one of my favorites of the previous Bond films with Daniel Craig. Although I may have to give the edge to Casino Royale due to its originality and giving us a version of Bond we haven't seen before. The story was easy to follow, the bad guys were bad, and Bond was cool as ever. Even if this is kind of predictable you'll get over it with all of the action and suspenseful scenes. This is more than worth the watch in theaters, so feel free to go see it.
The Rating: 8/10
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As expected, Vin Diesel brings the strong, cool demeanor that we've come to know over the years. The film gets you started early with some magical action. This movie is chock full of special effects with all of the magic that is used from beginning to end. One thing that will keep you engaged is probably how the story is presented. We get to follow an interesting mystery that unravels at a reasonable pace. Best of all, there's a nice plot twist that was completely unexpected. Also, while this movie wasn't necessarily a horror film, there were some scenes that had the Queen Witch looking kind of scary.
The Bad:
There were a couple of moments where the the CG effects were just a tad bit over kill. Things would happen so fast, with so many lights flashing, that it was hard to make out what exactly was going on. Probably one of the most disappointing aspects of this film was the anticlimactic ending. For the entire duration of the movie, we're led to believe that the main enemy is so powerful and a threat to be feared. However, the final battle just felt rushed and was a little unsatisfactory. Matter of fact, the entire ending seemed under-developed. It seemed like the writers wanted to just finish the movie, which ended the film in a very convenient way. The Reason:
The best way I could describe this movie would be to say that it's Blade + Constantine(except with witches.) There haven't been very many witchcraft or magic oriented movies for a while, since we've been stuck on vampires, zombies and paranormal activity ghosts. What you see in the trailer is exactly what you're going to get. Despite the so-so ending, it was still an enjoyable movie overall for the most part. I'd recommend seeing it in theaters for the matinee price and with low expectations.
The Rating: 7/10
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I was lucky enough to join renowned Chicago film critic Ian Simons on his podcast. You canClick here to listen to our discussion about The Last Witch Hunter. (WARNING: Podcast contains spoilers)
You can find Ian's detailed review of Last Witch Hunter by clicking here, (may contain spoilers) and his other reviews on his website Kicking The Seat.
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The visuals in this movie are beyond captivating. You're either going to be too afraid of the ghost(s) to look, or too intrigued by their unique designs to turn away. Director Guillermo del Toro is simply genius with his unique, artistic and beautiful portrayal of the ghosts. Tom Hiddleston does a really nice job in this film, but Jessica Chastain easily has the strongest performance. There are some really scary moments in the first half of the movie, and you can expect some creepy scenes that are similar to the movie Insidious.
The Bad:
A consistent flaw with del Toro's amazing visuals is that in the majority of his horror films (Mama, for example) he erases the sense of horror the closer you get to the end of the movie. He'll do a terrific job of introducing and subtly showing you the ghosts/monsters, but towards the end of the movie he'll show you entirely too much. By the time you see all of the ghost, it's just not as scary anymore, and there's nothing left to the imagination. This film was no exception. Matter of fact, the movie completely transforms into a different genre after the halfway point. It goes from horror to slasher-thriller. The downfall with this is that while you're no longer busy focusing on being afraid of the ghosts, you begin to pay more attention at all of the MANY plot holes in the story. There are a number of issues in the story that seem like convenient writing, or lack of creativity, just to hurry the movie along. The Reason:
If you're a fan of del Toro's work in projects like The Strain, Mama, or Pan's Labrynth, you'll be sure to notice that del Toro recycles a lot of the same things in this movies. (i.e.: long crooked fingers, fast moving monsters, moths, or even floating ghosts in the air) Despite the similarities, del Toro still never ceases to amaze you visually speaking. That in itself makes Crimson Peak worth the watch in the theaters. Actors are good, story is "meh", and the ghosts are really cool to look at. As I mentioned, the movie does go from horror to thriller, but the trailer sells this as if it's only a horror. So I'm just giving you the heads up now so you don't go in thinking it'll be a complete scary film. Matinee price is all that you'll need spend to watch this.
The Rating: 7.0/10
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The Good:
As expected, Tom Hanks is both witty and charming throughout the movie. Both Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance (who plays the accused Russian spy "Abel") have great on-screen chemistry. Overall, there was really good quality acting across the board. Probably one of the most lively moments occur halfway into the movie once the US military finally gets involved.
The Bad:
I think it's fair to say that the entire first half of the movie was pretty boring. You have to wait almost 45 minutes to an hour before a certain scene happens in the movie that may wake you up. Despite Hanks being portrayed as a skillful lawyer, we never really get to see any type of exciting, genius-like lawyer tactics used in the court room. The focus on the negotiations in the story are only somewhat interesting, and the suspense that it attempts to build at the end is mediocre.
Rather than shooting the movie in a dynamic way that shows the two separate stories in a parallel fashion, the movie is shot along a straight forward timeline. By showing the movie in the sequential order, it just made the movie feel longer. (2.5 hours run-time) Finally, the sense of fear and paranoia only felt mild at best. You know there's a war going on, but the real sense of urgency just isn't conveyed very well. The Reason:
I know this is a Spielberg movie, however, unlike others, I will not simply give him a pass. The intent and effort in this movie is definitely good. However, I just don't think that this movie lives up to the hype that Spielberg used to command. If I'm not mistaken, it's been over 13 years since Spielberg's done a major film that's appealed to average movie goers. (Minority Report 2002) This is probably the type of film that movie purists and people in the movie industry may like. I just don't see the average person really caring about this movie in the same way. I wouldn't recommend watching this in theaters. I think that if you're interested you can watch it at home and be just fine.
The Rating: 6.5/10
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The best aspect about this film is the actual story itself. The director does a nice job of making sure that the sentiment and feelings of the housing market issues of 2008 are consistently centered upon, and how they affect the average homeowner on a personal level. This was probably Andrew Garfield's best performance that I can think of. He emits a lot of pure emotion that probably reflects a lot of the feelings involved with the subject matter of the story. Michael Shannon probably stole the show with his performance. Shannon was clearly the more interesting character with his morally ambiguous role. It was difficult at times to know whether you should hate, approve, or understand his character's motives. The Bad:
I know that I said this was Garfield's best performance, but take that with a huge grain of salt. Sadly, while Garfield probably would've gotten an A+ in his acting class, his performance didn't help make his character that believable. For instance, in the story he's portrayed as father to a young boy, but the entire time it's difficult to believe that he's a father at all due to his young appearance and playful demeanor. (No, his beard doesn't help his cause either) He comes off as an older brother more than anything else. I think the biggest problem I have is that Andrew Garfield wasn't playing "Dennis Nash", Andrew Garfield consistently played "Andrew Garfield". If you don't believe me, compare his performance in this film with his performance in the most recent Amazing Spider Man 2 movie. (You will probably see very little difference.) Lastly, there were a few holes in the story that also just seemed kind of weak, in my opinion. (ie: why certain people won't move out their house.) The Reason:
If you were to decide to watch this movie, you're going to do so for the story more so than anything else. It's an interesting and somewhat original story that dares to focus on the ugly side of real estate market. I think that the director or writer may have taken more time focusing on the central issue rather than fully developing the characters and their stories. Either way, this isn't a must watch in theaters, and you can probably just wait for it to be seen in the comfort of your own home. Again,
I think that if you want something with a slightly different story with some good acting (From Michael Shannon) then it's at least worth the watch at home.
The Rating: 6.5/10
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Matt Damon's character is charming, witty, and funny. His character always managed to pick the movie up in a very light-hearted, and often times humorous way. There was also a great combination of supporting actors that each contributed in their own way into the movie. (So don't worry, you won't be stuck watching only Matt Damon for almost 2.5 hours straight.) You get some solid performances from Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Peña (funny yet again), Jessica Chastain and so many others in the supporting cast. It interesting and enjoyable to see how the movie almost seemed like two different movies in one. The first being Matt Damon's experiences on Mars, and the other being the rest of the characters on earth attempting to bring him home. The film also did a good job of bringing a level of science that would appease die hard sci-fi fans, but still make things relatable for the average person. The Bad:
There are some times when this film can get a little too "sciencey". There were times where I found myself getting lost in the detailed, technical explanations during some of the scenes. (Luckily they had visual demonstrations to help it all make sense.) In a strange way, this movie never really hit any highs or lows. It's not a boring movie at all, but the suspenseful moments weren't going to get you on the edge of your seat, nor were the sad moments going to have you watery-eyed.
The Reason:
The best way to describe this movie is Castaway + Gravity (Click for my previous review). If you were thinking that this movie was just a copy of Interstellar, I can tell you now, it's definitely not that. (However, there is one scene that is ridiculously similar to a scene in Interstellar.) While Interstellar was similar to sitting in on a 3 hour university lecture on quantum physics, The Martian is like your high school science class with that cool teacher who made science fun. Overall, The Martian is a scientific adventure that will give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside. It will be shown in 3D, and there are two scenes in the beginning and the end that I do feel make the 3D worthwhile. I think it's more than worth the watch in theaters. However, if you did happen to decide on watching this at home, that's not a bad idea either. The film's story will be more than enough to keep you entertained.
The Rating: 8.0/10
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The Trailer:
The Good:
The collection of actors in this film work together in a great way. We're taken down the rabbit hole through Emily Blunt's character, only having some of the mysteries unravel as the movie progresses. Josh Brolin'scharacter will draw some curiosity due to his nonchalant attitude and unorthodoxed methods. It's just hard to figure out whether he's good or bad. For the entire duration of the movie, Benicio Del Toro's character ("Alejandro") is probably the most mysterious and intriguing character. You'll be wondering about his true identity and his motives for the majority of the film. As for the story, it's pretty interesting given the fact that you're kept in the dark along with Blunt's character, and it blurs the line of many morally gray situations.
The Bad:
Some moments in the film use a bit too much "government jargon". There was a certain reveal, or twist, in the story that gets explained but it's muddled up with all of the "government talk". They throw in a bunch of legal stipulations and terms, that seem to overcomplicate what happened in the story. It would have been better had some scenes just been explained in layman's terms. Lastly, the film is slowly paced, which will make it feel like it's longer than it actually is. (2 hour runtime)
The Reason:
This film can be summed up as the Netflix Original series Narcos (which I recommend) + Zero Dark Thirty. If you're a fan of movies about the Mexican drug cartel, and the government's "war on drugs", then this movie is right up your alley. There was a nice blend of mystery and suspense, mixed with with some intense action scenes. If the trailer interests you, you'll like the movie. If it doesn't appeal to you, then you probably wouldn't like these niche types of movies anyway. So you can use your best judgement. However, in my book, Sicario was a good movie, and worth seeing.
The Rating: 7.5/10
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The Trailer:
The Good:
Johnny Depp finally plays a non-kooky, weird, animated type of character and simply delivers in this role as "Whitey Bulger". He is menacing, terrifying, and captivating whenever he's on the screen. It's probably safe to say that the "Dinner scene" was probably the most intense and suspenseful moment of the movie. Besides Depp, almost every single supporting actor in this film does a really great job of making their characters stand out in their own unique way. Some of the most engaging moments are when the characters don't even speak, and their body language alone speaks volumes. (Signs of great acting.) The film is gritty and the plot is just overall interesting, especially for those who aren't familiar with the story of Whitey Bulger. The Bad:
There are only two things that I think some people may find fault within this movie. 1.) It felt kind of long (2 hours) due to some of the slow pacing of the movie. 2.) Some people just may not like this genre of "Boston gangster" films. The Reason:
If I had to compare, I'd say Black Mass is like a combination of The Departed + American Hustle. I'd probably say that Black Mass could better be described as "The Departed-Lite". It's a really good movie, filled with a lot of talented actors, who all do a great job overall. I think this could easily be Johnny Depp's long awaited comeback movie, given the fact that (outside of Pirates of the Caribbean) his last great movie was 14 years ago. (Blow). Dare I say, Depp may even get nomination considerations for this role too. Either way, I'd recommend this as worthy of being seen in theaters, especially if you enjoy these mobster type of movies.
The Rating: 8/10
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The Good:
One thing's for sure, this movie was all over the place when it came to the action and suspense. There was rarely a dull moment. If there was, it was only to set you up for the next intense action sequence that was about to unfold. You literally feel as though you're taken on a wild adventure as the main characters travel from location to location. Each time we're given a different sense of danger, or a different enemy, or some other thrilling obstacle to watch them overcome. It was very enjoyable to see that they didn't recycle and repeat the same action scenes (such as running to a door and narrowly making it through). Without giving anything away, be on the look out for those "Cranks"! The Cranks are one of the most thrilling and creepy additions to watch. They also provide plenty of well timed jump-scares. Lastly, you can expect the many mysteries of the story to keep you both intrigued and guessing from beginning to end.
The Bad: There were times when this movie seemed a little too "High School", and felt ridiculously similar to Divergent,Insurgentor even The Hunger Games. (The cafeteria scene comes to mind) If you're the impatient type, then you may get a little annoyed with how much the story will constantly pull you deeper in, but only answer some of your questions. Not to mention the fact that the story in this sequel will raise even more questions than the previous film did. I also personally found the character of "Teresa", played by Kaya Scodelario, to be kind of annoying. (You'll know why) -_-
The Reason:
Three movies that come to mind when describing this movie are The Maze Runner+ Mad Max: Fury Road + this movie *SPOILER ALERT*. (Don't click if you don't like spoilers) I think it's very easy to say that this sequel is a lot better than the previous Maze Runner. (Read my Maze Runner Review here) As I did before, I came into this movie without reading any of the Maze Runner books, and I'm certainly happy that I didn't. I've heard from others, who have read the books, that the movie was different, so I don't think it will spoil a lot for fans of the book series. Either way, The Scorch Trails is fun, entertaining, thrilling and an exciting film overall. The sequel picks up right where the last one left off, so if your memory is sketchy about what happened, or who certain people are, then a refresh won't hurt. You can either rewatch the last 30 mins of The Maze Runner, or you can just catch up by reading the wiki here. Please go watch this. I think you'll more than enjoy it. Oh and go watch the previous Maze Runner too while you're at it, if you haven't already.
The Rating: 9/10
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You get exactly what you expect from the trailers. Michael Ealy does a pretty good job of playing the psycho stalker in this role. There were some moments of high suspense throughout as we are shown just how crazy Ealy's character really was. For the most part, his character was the most interesting. Sanaa Lathan also did a nice job of playing a relatable character who I think many women could probably identify with her situation. (You know, having a guy be one way the first day, then become something completely different the next. Ignore the crazy stalking stuff.) One thing that was enjoyable, was the small subtle twist in the relationship between Ealy and Lathan's characters towards the end of the movie. The Bad:
The story is ridiculously easy to predict. There's very little room to be surprised with the majority, if not all, of the movie. The Reason:
The Perfect Guy is probably exactly what you think it is. There's nothing flashy or special about it. I think you could easily compare this to movies like No Good Deed and The Boy Next Door. (Click those links to see my past reviews) You know exactly what's going to happen. The thing is, you're coming into this movie to see just how crazy does Ealy's character go, and how does Lathan's character react. Oh, and I suppose some of you ladies may be interested in Morris Chestnut taking his shirt off. (That's pretty much the majority of his contribution to this movie) Despite the fact that this movie entirely predictable, it was still actually enjoyable to watch. You already know, based off the trailer, if you would be interested in this movie. So rather than me recommending you to see it or not, I'd say go off the trailer. It's not a horrible movie, in my opinion, and it's an okay "date night matinee" (or Redbox) flick for me.
The Rating: 7/10
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The most surprising thing about this movie was how it uniquely found a way to be scary, but still include funny moments throughout the film. It knew when to be funny, and when to be scary, without mixing the two together. The scary parts will provide quite a few jump-scares, and in some scenes they will simply disturb you. The young boy, "Tyler" (played by Ed Oxenbould ), will quickly become a favorite in this film with his various remarks, "swearing", and "skills". I think it's fair to say that "Nana", played by Deanna Dunagan, does a really good job of playing the crazy grandma given all the versatile things she did in the movie. For some, the plot twist in the story will be mild, but good nevertheless.
The Bad:
As we've come to know from director M. Night Shyamalan (The 6th Sense, Signs), the "big twist" is to be expected. Because of that, if you're an over-analyzer of movies like me, you'll probably see the twist coming from a mile away. So in that aspect, the story is mildly predictable. (That doesn't ruin the movie though) Many of the scary scenes you'll see coming, and for the most part are not terrifying to the point that will give you nightmares. It's very generic horror and scare tactics that we've seen before.
The Reason:
Okay, so here's the real deal about this movie. M. Night Shyamalan is known for having a really bad reputation for putting out movies like Lady in the Water, The Village, The Happening, and others. He started off great with The 6th Sense and Signs, but since then, audiences have been generally disappointed. Luckily for The Visit, this movie was not one of his bad films. It was disturbingly funny and scary at the same time. This film is like his "makeup movie" to audiences. For example, in a relationship, if a guy messes up and constantly disappoints his girlfriend, he may give her flowers as an apology. Now the girlfriend may like the flowers, but that doesn't mean the boyfriend is completely forgiven. Shyamalan is in the same boat. The Visit is his "flowers" to audiences. We'll take it, but he's still got a lot more work to do to make up for all the other not-so-great movies he's given us.
Take caution if you decide to see it. It's a unique movie. Not a hollywood blockbuster by any means, but I wouldn't be surprised if many would enjoy it. To see this movie I recommend: Go in with low expectations, pay the matinee price, and go with a friend or date. (You'll want to talk about it afterwards)
The Rating: 7/10
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The Trailer:
The Good: Ed Skrein, who plays "Frank Martin Jr", does a nice job of giving us his own version of the Transporter. In other words, he doesn't come in as a replacement Jason Statham. It was kind of like how you have different Bond characters who bring their own flavor to the table. For all of you action junkies, get ready for tons of chase scenes, and plenty of fights where the Transporter seems to have the odds stacked against him. Lastly, this time around we're given a little more insight about Frank Jr's character as we see him interact with his father Frank Sr., played by Ray Stevenson. Their onscreen chemistry worked out nicely. The Bad:
This movie must've taken notes straight out of the pages of Fast and the Furious because so many scenes were terribly unrealistic. Even though with most action films you give them a pass, some of the scenes may just have you rolling your eyes. In this movie's case, the writing is just inexcusable. It failed numerous times to explain why or how it was Frank Jr gets caught up in random fights. I mean it was literally like they ran out of ideas on how to smoothly transition into a believable fight scene. Instead it went something like this: "Frank walks in. Random thugs appear. FIGHT!" In the previous Transporter films, trouble found Statham's character in a somewhat meaningful way. In Transporter Refueled, some of the fight scenes just felt extremely generic, cliche, and unbelievable. (And that's by action movie standards.) Worst of all, the big finale scene was a kind of anticlimactic. I couldn't tell if the fight was supposed to be funny or just sad. The Reason:
If you're a fan of great looking Audi cars, then you may like this movie. Most of the movie felt like watching an extended car commercial for Audi. Hell, I want an Audi now. (But the way my bank account is set up...) :-/ To be honest, I'm not really sure why this movie was created to be a reboot in the first place. Yes, a reboot, which means don't expect Jason Statham to show up. I don't think that I could find a way to recommend this to people to go see, and that includes even for the matinee price. If this comes on TV (probably TNT), then it'll be worth a watch. In the mean time, you can find better things to do.
The Rating: 6/10 BONUS:
Check this out! I was recently featured on a podcast by a prominent Chicago film critic, Ian Simmons, from Kicking The Seat. We got a chance to sit down and chat about this film in a little more detail. You can listen to the podcast here. (Be warned, this chat does contain spoilers) Guys...I'm almost famous. Momma, I made it! :-)
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