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Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Gunman Movie Review

Image by www.impawards.com

The Trailer:

The Good: Sean Penn definitely committed himself to the gym lately and it helps since he's in a lot of fight scenes in this film. The action and fight scenes overall were decent, and the there's a mild plot twist at the end.

The Bad: While this movie attempts to be an action movie, it really seems to try too hard at making a boring plot seem interesting. The plot twists didn't seem mind blowing on any level, and the journey Penn's character takes to get to the bottom of the mystery seemed even more uninteresting. Again, the action was okay, but the story lacked a lot. Oh, and if you're looking for solid performances from Idris Elba, don't be fooled. He's barely in the movie.

The Reason: While this was brought to you from the same people who brought you Taken, this definitely falls short in comparison. It will be your call on whether it's good or bad, but I found it a little distracting that Sean Penn took almost every single opportunity that he could to be on camera with either his shirt off, or muscles flexing in some snug shirt. I think that this movie doesn't even really fit the typical action film genre, because usually you can just turn your brain off and watch things go boom. Instead you're almost forced to try and care about not only the mystery going on, but the potential political humanitarian messages constantly put forth. If you're bored, you can rent this or watch it at home. Save your money for a more worthwhile movie in the theaters.

The Rating: 6.5/10

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Run All Night Movie Review

Image by www.impawards.com
The Trailer:

The Good: There's a good flow of action and suspense for the most part. Liam Neeson of course does exactly what is expected from him similar to all of his other roles in past films. Also, Common's character, though minor, was intriguing.

The Bad: This is a very basic and simple plot, which should come to no surprise for most action films. There are moments that are slightly predictable, and I would probably blame that on the first 5 minutes of the movie. Had the film cut that opening scene out, there may have been a chance that the movie would have been slightly better. Unfortunately, the opening scene just sticks in the back of your mind as a constant reminder until the end of the film (which may be a little distracting). It doesn't ruin the film, but I think it could have been removed.

The Reason: By now you should know the story with Liam Neeson movies. Someone is always messing with him and his family, he's going to get revenge, and along the way he's always going to beg people to listen to him. This is by far a much better suited film to watch in the comfort of your own home. I had very low expectations for this film going in, because I thought it would be just like his other movies. And while it was, it was still enjoyable. So IF you still wanted to go see this in the theater, please don't pay more than the matinee price for it. Again, I think this would be a much better rental or download later on.

The Rating: 7.0/10

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Chappie Movie Review

Image by www.impawards.com
The Trailer: 

The Good: The best highlight of this film is the literal maturation process and character development of the robot,Chappie. Director  Neill Blomkamp does a masterful job at making Chappie a relatable character that most people can identity with on various levels. It was also interesting to see how other characters developed around Chappie as well.  Hugh Jackman did a nice job in his supporting role as the antagonist. I think one of the most interesting aspects of the movie are the philosophical and scientific theories they try to put forth. When you see the ending, don't be surprised if you find yourself still thinking about some of the topics.

The Bad: There may be a bit of a language barrier because many of the actors have pretty thick accents. In most cases, there are some subtitles to help, but in other cases there are not. It's not a major deal, but it is noticeable.

The Reason: Whether it's a good or bad thing, this movie was almost like a carbon copy of District 9, except the aliens are replaced with robots. To be more precise, this movie is District 9 + iRobot + Robocop. (You'll get the Robocop reference when you see the movie.) If you enjoyed any of those movies, then you'll most certainly enjoy Chappie. To help you save money, I would advise NOT watching it in IMAX. It was just as enjoyable on a regular screen. This is worth the watch either in theaters or later at home.

The Rating: 8.0/10

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