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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Review

Image by www.impawards.com
The Good: It was nice to see the turtles' individual personalities on full display. Michelangelo provided some great comic relief which many will enjoy. The fight scenes were also really nicely done. That was made possible by the film portraying the main villain, Shredder, as a worthy adversary. Despite the fact that the Shredder looked like a Transformer, his body armor and weapons still seemed to work for this movie. The way he used his blades were captivating and innovative.

The Bad: Megan Fox's character, April O'Neal, seemed to be force fed into this movie more than she needed to be. For those who grew up watching the Ninja Turtles, we already know that April is a supporting character, but this movie makes her almost a central character to a fault. At some point her role in the plot just seems overly cliche', cheesy, and unnecessary. On another note, while the movie does try to put a more modern twist to the movie, I think that it was a major stretch that the turtles were unaffected by certain weapons.

The Reason: When you're able to look past the eye-roll worthy Megan Fox parts, this movie is definitely enjoyable to watch. If you missed it in theaters then you probably won't benefit as much from the 3D effects. Either way, if you're a 80's baby who loved the turtles, this is worth your time.

The Rating: 7.0/10

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